Cinema Logo Cinema Name Description
IMAX IMAX IMAX is a proprietary system of high-resolution cameras, film formats, film projectors, and theaters known for having very large screens with a tall aspect ratio and steep stadium seating, with the 1.43:1 ratio format being available only in few selected locations.
Movie House Movie House Movie House is the UK's leading nationwide independent cinema chain - we are proud to offer low ticket prices alongside exceptional guest experience.
Great Lakes Cinema 3 Great Lakes Cinema 3 Movie theatre complex with 3 auditoriums and a candy bar, showing mainstream and arthouse films.
State Cinemas Nelson State Cinemas Nelson Over 75 years since the first film society was founded in Wellington. The New Zealand Federation of Film Societies continues its dedication to broadening your film-going options. You local Film Society is a link in New Zealand's only alternative non-profit network of film exhibition. As a predominantly voluntary organization the Film Society plays an important role in bringing a diverse range of international films to this country's screens. Viewing movies is open to everyone, all you'll need to do is purchase a membership through The Nelson Film Society. Booking and reserving your seat is free, but you'll be required to show your verify your current membership card upon arrival for the film session. For more information on joining the Nelson branch of the New Zealand Film Society, just CLICK HERE State Cinemas is proud of our relationship with The Nelson Film Society and will be home for their 2024 season of films. They will be screening on Wednesdays at 6pm - Just CLICK HERE to see what content they have for you this year!
NAZARETH Cinema NAZARETH Cinema Cinema is the sixteenth studio album by the Scottish hard rock band Nazareth, released in 1986 by Vertigo Records. Cinema. Studio album by. Nazareth.